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How To Get The Best Design For Your Home

How To Get The Best Design For Your Home

For those who don’t consider themselves interior designers, this might seem like a dream come true. For the rest of us, it’s just not so simple. There are many important factors that need to be considered before diving in and creating your perfect space design. It is no secret that the interior design industry is one of the fastest growing in the world. Many homeowners are turning to professional designers to help them manage their homes and living spaces.


It’s important to start by first figuring out exactly what it is that you want out of your new space design. Do you want something modern? Something traditional? Perhaps somewhere in between? Once you have figured this out, it’s a good idea to consult with a professional designer.


This will help you to decide just how much effort you want to put into your home design. Too much effort, and your new space design might end up all wrong. You also don’t want to spend any additional time and money designing something that won’t necessarily live up to the expectations of your family and friends once it’s finished.


If you have a solid idea of what you would like from your new space design, it’s time to start doing some research. Here are some things that should be considered when planning in interior design:


  • The amount of light in a room: Living in the country, I often find myself sitting in my living room late at night after a long day at work. I don’t want a room full of sunlight, but I do want enough light so that I can see what my toddler is doing during the day. This will be different for everyone in every home.
  • Is there good airflow? The quality of air that you breathe is extremely important to your health and well being.
  • Ventilation for cooking: If you’re going to have an open kitchen, you will need some ventilation. This is for safety and also to avoid having your guests pass out from the fumes!
  • The amount of noise you can tolerate: This is particularly important when considering the bedrooms. If you’re going to be living in an area that is known for heavy traffic, you’ll want good soundproofing. If your business took a turn for the better and you became a multi-millionaire overnight, it might be worth it to invest in double pane windows and doors.


The layout of your home should also be decided before you start moving furniture around. It’s easy enough to get stuck in a rut if you don’t know what comes next once everything has been planned out.


Here’s a tip for you. Draw up a layout of your new space design on paper. This will give you an idea of whether or not you’ve made the right decisions. For me, that means spending a lot of time in the bathroom before I’m happy with my design!


Next, it’s time to formulate a list of designer requirements. Home designers come in many different types and they all have their own specialties and nuances. Some are very comfortable working on projects that are modern while others might be better suited to working with clients who have very specific traditional tastes. 


  • Are you looking for a more classic or modern look? 
  • Do you want to keep the décor neutral or do you want it to be totally out there? 
  • Do you want a specific color pallet to be used throughout the entire house, or does the color of each room have to be different from one another? 


This is important because if you don’t know what type of design your home will have, it will make it that much harder to get everything right and ensure that nothing looks out of place. The design can sometimes be very difficult to nail down as well. 


I once sat across from a designer who had spent hours working on a home design and told him what I wanted. When he presented it to me, everything just seemed a little too babyish. Luckily, I didn’t give him my money and I was able to go through with my original vision of the house. It is important to make sure that your designer has the right experience and qualifications before you start working with them.

Final thoughts

Many people love the idea of design, but don’t want to put in the extra effort to learn how to do it properly. Design is an art, not a science. It’s up to you and your imagination to make sure that every single detail works together and creates a cohesive final product. Once you have a concept in mind for your space design, it’s important to talk this through with a professional designer. A good designer will be able to give you feedback and make their suggestions based on the client’s needs and desires above all else. The budget really does matter when it comes to interior design.

Adding Color and Texture to a Bare Wall

Adding Color and Texture to a Bare Wall

Have you ever come across a bare wall in need of decorating? Perhaps you only have next to nothing for a housewarming present or have just moved into your first apartment and don’t know what to do with the walls. Well this blog post will not only provide an answer but also show you what it looks like when done correctly! All you’ll need is some paint and ceiling tiles or wall stencils, so keep reading to see how easy it can be.


If the walls are already painted, you’ll need to remove everything first. You can always use a large paint scraper or putty knife to help but you’ll have to be careful not to damage the wall surface if it’s not finished or painted right. Be sure not to leave behind any paint splatters because they will show up really badly once you start painting.


After removing all the old color from the wall and getting rid of all paint splatters, prime the wall one more time with a primer that matches your desired texture and color scheme. If the wall is only bare plaster or drywall, you can skip the primer step. If it’s a lighter color, you can use a tinted primer such as Krylon’s Base Coat to help it blend better with your future color. It will also give you a better base for your next layers of paint to stick to.


Now that the wall is primed and paint free, it’s time to start adding your texture and color. I used three different shades of a paint called Valspar’s Marquee Metallic on my drywall kickboards above. The lightest shade was applied first, followed by the medium tone then the darkest shade was painted over last. Make sure you get the wall completely covered with paint before trying to add any texture or color. You’ll have better results if you choose a darker shade of primer to create your desired color.


Once you finish priming, get yourself some wall stencils and find something to stick them on that won’t move around. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy as long as it will hold the stencil in place while you’re applying your paint. I used some painters tape attached to the top horizontal bar of my ladder then laid a piece of wood over the painted wall.


Over the course of about three days, I painted each layer of paint. In between layers I would usually wipe off any dust or debris to help make it look less messy. The exposed drywall on a bare wall can turn into a spotty mess that looks unfinished and unattractive so be sure to seal your drywall with a good quality caulk for a professional finished look. 


You can use large stencils to apply textured designs or simple tiles that you cut out with an x-acto knife. You can also stencil things like your favorite sports team or movie quote with vinyl decals. If you’d rather not use stencils, there are plenty of other creative ways to cover the wall including rope molding.


After your finishing touches are all complete, you can use a texturizing spray to make the paint look like it’s actually on the wall. You can find them at any art or hobby store for about $15 and use them to apply rocks, moss, tree branches and even sand from beaches. Now your walls will have style with a little extra color!


Bottom line

After reading this article, you now know how to apply texture and color to a bare wall. You don’t have to be an expert in order to transform your home into a place of cozy warmth and beauty. Experiment with different colors and textures as they will make everything in your home look more distinctive!

A Living Room Renovation

A Living Room Renovation

When it comes to home improvements, the living room is often a tough subject to tackle. It’s not that homeowners just don’t want to spend the time or money; it’s also hard to find a space in the house where you can make such a big change without clashing with other family members. This guide will take you through some of the best ways you can spruce up your living room without creating too much turmoil.

What to expect from a living room renovation

When decorating a living room, it helps to know if you’ll be staying in this home for the long-term or not. If you are, then don’t change any existing structure, paint colors or furniture just yet. Save up for some new pieces and then decide what you’ll phase out. This can help to avoid any unnecessary clashes with your other family members.

Focus on What You’ll Use Most

Before you start tearing up the floor and putting down a new rug, sit down and really consider what you do in your living room and where you spend the most time. If it’s with the family watching movies, then a good seat is going to be first on your list of priorities. If it’s by yourself with a great book or listening to music, then storage for all those books might be what’s most important. If you’re working from home, maybe a comfy office chair is a must-have. When determining what has to go in the living room before new pieces can be added, it will save you some headaches down the road.

Try Redecorating in Smaller Steps

Instead of replacing everything at once, you can always renovate bit by bit. There are a few ways you can go about this. First, look for just one place in the room that needs updating. It might be the focal point, like a fireplace or entertainment center; it might be a seldom used corner; or it could even just be a few throw pillows on your couch that need updating. Once you’ve made one change, you can think about what else needs to go in the room to really make it shine again. If a couch is way outdated, maybe an upholstered chair would help you to relax. If the throw pillows are too small, you might want to opt for some bigger ones.

Look for Areas Outside Your Home to Renove

It’s fun to have a nice yard or flower bed in the area immediately surrounding your home, but it’s also a great way to hide clutter and really make your house look nice and fresh. Buy some new flowers and go out there with a rake and pull everything away that you don’t need anymore. Then, do a little landscaping with some new shrubs and vines around them. When the ground is still a little wet, plant some annuals in containers and keep them watered. After that, take a look at all those clippings from your yard and create a nice compost pile. Once it’s been properly turned over and the leaves are gone, you can start to spread it around in some more decorative areas of your living room.

Look for Older Pieces That Can Be Used Again

In today’s world, almost everything comes with “cool” modern finishes or fancy painted accents. This isn’t always true, though, so maybe don’t spend huge amounts of money on brand new furniture if you have vintage pieces that could work just as well in the space instead. Check your attic or basement for some older furniture that could be brought back to life. See if you have any furniture that doesn’t match the rest of what you have in the room, but it might be just what you need to make it flow better.

Make Sure You Have Some Good Lighting

One of the biggest no-nos in any living room is dark spots where people can feel awkward or out of place. You can avoid this with a few well-placed lamps, plus a few overhead fixtures that can cover up those dark corners and keep your eye moving through the room. With some soft lighting and nice window treatments, you can also go away from floor lamps and make your space seem more open and inviting.

Reclaim Your Floors with Rugs

The great thing about living rooms is that they’re often open and the floors can be used more than any other room in a home. You can use rugs to fill in the biggest open spaces, plus pile them up into small corners you don’t usually use so they’ll be easier to see when you walk by. Add some bright, colorful accents with throws or decorative pillows to really give a room some life when it can feel very laid back otherwise.

Keep Walls Clean and Simple

If you want your living room to look impressive, don’t clutter it up with too many art pieces or furniture sets. Instead, keep the walls bare and make it easy for people to appreciate the room how it looks right now. This will let you change out old pieces when they look out of place, instead of being stuck with a painting that’s never going to be updated. There are paintings in almost every home, but try to steer clear of anything that might look dated before you hang it up.

See What Looks Great in Other Spaces

When you’re decorating a living room, there are no hard and fast rules about what can be used or where things should go; but there is a lot of inspiration from other great spaces around the world.


Final thoughts

If your living room is looking a little neglected or dirty, you don’t have to throw out everything and start from scratch. Instead, consider how you can make the space feel more welcoming and comfortable for everyone in the house, whether it’s just the family relaxing together or if someone is working from home. Once you’ve decided what needs to go or where there are areas that need some help, slowly update and renovate room by room until it feels like a brand new place.

How to Paint Your Living Room

How to Paint Your Living Room

Many home projects can be overwhelming when you’re trying to do them yourself. If you’re not sure where to start or what materials are needed, it can make the process seem too complicated and daunting. 


Luckily for homeowners, this guide will show you how to paint your living room in a quick and easy way that anyone could manage! This blog post will give tips on what paint to use on different surfaces like walls and furniture, as well as an overview on how the process of painting works. This guide will help you to get the best results from your paint application and save you time and money.

How to choose the right paint and color

In order for homeowners to have a great look at their home, it’s important that they choose the right paint. Living room paints can often be too expensive and make the process more challenging because they are normally made of more than just one color. If you’re trying to match your living room paint colors with existing furniture, think about using an accent color instead. 


The main color of your living room should be warm, soothing, and relaxing while giving it a modern look. When it comes to choosing a paint color, there are many options that are available like pastels, grays, and blues. To find the perfect color for your living room, you will need to spend time choosing the right tone and hue that you prefer. Make sure that the color is not too bright or too dark because this can make it look less appealing.

What is primer?

Primer is used on wood and wood-based surfaces like floors, furniture, and cabinets just to keep them looking brand new for longer periods of time. Primer can be applied in order to reduce dust and dirt so that it won’t have an effect on your paint job later on. 


For example, if you choose a paint color that’s light in shade or sheer in depth, use primer because this type of paint tends to wear out easily over time. In order to determine if you need primer for a particular surface, there are a few factors that could help. If your living room has open wall space, has the ceiling installed, or has too much furniture in the room, then it’s time for a primer. To give a base for your paint and keep it lasting long, walls should also be painted first before any furniture is moved in.

What is paint?

Paint is made from a combination of chemicals that are mixed together to create a substance that looks like liquid or solid. Aside from being able to be used indoors and outdoors, paint can also be used as a base for other types of paints such as oil and latex. 


Paint has the ability to stick on almost any material including wood, metal, plastic, glass, ceramic tile, brick, stone and more. Regardless of what material your paint will be applied onto, it can create different colors and shades. Paint is made out of two main types of materials: solvents and binders. Solvents or thinners make the paint liquid while binders are what helps to shape and thicken the paint.

What are the best paints for the living room?

Paints for modern living rooms are used as a base for other paints.  It’s not advised to use oil-based paints indoors because this type of paint can damage your furniture and bases.  


For living rooms, acrylic paints are recommended as it’s made from more durable plasticizers that have a similar look and feel to latex paint but with less odor so it will last longer.  Acrylic paints are also known for being easy to clean up with just soap and water.  Also, it’s thick enough that it won’t smear or drip when applied on top.  


There are also other types of paints like latex which come in a white color as well as a transparent type that allows you to see through them when applied on surfaces. When choosing the right paint for your living room, it’s important to pick a paint that will withstand heavy use without cracking and chipping off.

Final thoughts

Hiring professionals can be expensive and take up lots of time. Doing home improvement projects at your own pace is a more fun and low-stress way to make things happen. This article will show you how to paint your living room in just a matter of hours with the help of a few simple tools. With the help of these hacks, homeowners can create beautiful modern looks throughout their home that are both practical and stylish!

Choosing the Right Kitchen Faucet for Your Dream Kitchen Renovation

Choosing the Right Kitchen Faucet for Your Dream Kitchen Renovation

The kitchen is the most important room in your house. It’s the center of family life and the first room people see when they walk through the door. The last thing you want to do is settle for a below-average faucet because you’re not sure what kind to buy.


In this article, we’ll teach you how to choose one that fits both your budget and decor so that it doesn’t look out of place or stand out as an eyesore in what should be your proudest space! We’ll start by showing pictures of different types of kitchen faucets, from single-handle to high arch waterfall designs, and make it easy for you to decide which style suits your taste best. 

Types of Kitchen Faucets

I know choosing the perfect faucet for your kitchen can be confusing because there are so many styles and options to choose from. You can find a good look no matter what kind of kitchen you have, whether it’s tiled or wooden, modern or traditional.


If you want to add something that really sets it apart from other kitchens in your neighborhood, though, we’re going to show you how to choose the most unique and beautiful faucet style available.

Wall Mounted Kitchen Faucet

The wall-mounted faucet is a great choice if you have an older, quaint kitchen. It’s been around since the invention of kitchens and has been used by everyone from ancient Romans to modern day French chefs.


It’s also a great choice if you’re remodeling an older kitchen and don’t want something that will stick out too much, or if your plumbing setup requires it. This type doesn’t require any pipes to go over the counters because it’s mounted to the wall.

Pump Touch Kitchen Faucet

The touch-pump faucet has a large rotary handle that controls everything from temperature to water pressure. It’s great for setting the mood and creating a relaxing atmosphere in your kitchen, even in the middle of a busy day!


The Touch-Pump Type is hands down the most popular choice for professional kitchens because it gives you complete control over how you want your food to be cooked. You can slow your cooking temperature, spin the dial to find just the right pressure or turn off the faucet completely so that it will only run when you need it.


It’s also the perfect way to relax on those hot summer days while waiting for your pasta water to boil, or in the middle of winter to remind yourself that warmer weather is right around the corner! No matter what you’re making, a touch-pump faucet will let you get creative and try out new recipes as well as use old favorites.

Pull Down Kitchen Faucet

The pull down kitchen faucet is another classic design that has been around since kitchens began. The “spout” of this type of faucet extends down from the handle and has either a sprayer or shower head attached to it.


This design is great for households with two or more people because it makes grabbing a drink at the same time as someone else much easier. It’s also helpful in certain types of kitchens, such as those that have two sinks within close proximity, because it gives you multiple options for how to get water from one sink to another.

Single Handle Kitchen Faucet

The single handle faucet is the most common type of kitchen faucet on the market today. It’s incredibly easy to find because it’s used in 90% of the kitchens in North America!


The single handle faucet is also one of the most versatile styles. It comes in both pull-down and wall-mounted varieties, as well as a variety of other shapes and sizes.


This is also the perfect choice if you want your kitchen faucet to match other fixtures, such as your sink or water heater. Even if you’re going for a unique look somewhere else in the kitchen, chances are good that a single handle design will work with everything else you have.

Bottom line

The faucet is the most important part of any kitchen, so you want to make sure you’re buying the right one for your needs. Once you know how to choose the right one for your decor, your budget and what types of kitchens you have in your house, choose a design that fits your style and personality.

The Rising Cost of Home Renovations

The Rising Cost of Home Renovations

Rising home prices and increased urbanization have led to a sharp increase in the number of homeowners considering renovations. However, some homeowners may not be aware of how much these changes can cost them. Newer homes typically cost over $200,000 more than their older versions did five years ago, which is no small amount of money. Considering that many homeowners hold on to their older homes longer than they would like, this rise in price can lead to bigger problems down the road. Here are some tips on how home renovations can impact your finances, whether you are looking to renovate now or save for later.


Most home renovations are not worth the cost, but there is always the possibility of finding something unique in your aging home that is worth investing money into. If you want to renovate and get it done right, make sure it will be worth your money in the end.


The first step for homeowners looking to renovate is knowing if it is even something they want to do in the first place. For many homeowners, the answer to this question is no. Not only do renovations cost thousands of dollars, but many people also do not have a lot of time on their hands to keep up with repairs.


While remodeling your home can be a fun experience for those who enjoy doing renovations, you should make sure you are comfortable with how much the end product will cost you. If you decide that a renovation is not worth your money and time, focus on improving smaller aspects of your home instead.


When it comes to renovating, especially if it is going to be something bigger like an addition or updated kitchen , choosing the right contractor is crucial. You should also make sure that you have a good budget to work with, because it is not cheap to have someone’s hands in your home.


The hardest part of renovating unfortunately is the cost. Even if you are doing something small like painting a wall, there is always more you can do. It may not be worth the money in the long run, but if your home needs some upgrades, you should consider them.


Homeowners who want to renovate for a better value can consider adding on an addition. While it may be easy to get excited about an added bedroom or updated bathroom , make sure it is something that will be worth the money in the end. It is essential that you leave room for improvements so that when you figure out how much work it will actually take, you can start saving money for what needs to be done now.


Final thoughts

Overall, home renovations offer homeowners the opportunity to improve their homes while also increasing its value. However, these improvements do not come easy. Make sure you take the necessary steps to make sure that you are renovating in a way that you can afford and live with.

If you are planning to renovate your home, it is important that you hire a contractor who is reliable and trustworthy. If you choose the right person, they will listen to any concerns or questions that you may have for them about your renovation project.

When deciding whether or not to renovate your home, make sure that it is something that is worth it for both your money and time.

15 Unique Bay Window Design Ideas To Maximise Space In Your Apartment

15 Unique Bay Window Design Ideas To Maximise Space In Your Apartment

There are many ways to maximize space in a home and make it appear smaller than it actually is. The trending 3 room design ideas for a trendy, space maximizing home include using white walls for interior design, focal points, and privacy. It’s also possible to elevate furniture with floating shelves that also have artistic textures or use carpeting as the primary flooring material in your living area. These three room design ideas help you take full advantage of your space by maximizing creativity and adding style to your home.


As you consider a remodel for your home, consider what your needs are and which rooms in your home can use the most space. Kitchens and living rooms tend to be the largest rooms, but the bedrooms can also get congested by furniture and other accessories you need to store. A trendy, space maximizing design may be an answer to getting more use out of these spaces.

White walls

The use of white walls helps create a clean look. Most people prefer white because it provides maximum contrast when used with most flooring materials such as carpeting or hardwood floors. When ceilings are white, it shows off the natural lighting from windows and skylights.

Use of focal points in rooms

A focal point is the most important part of a design in any room. Since rooms with white walls provide a clean look, it’s possible to use more color for other elements in the room such as artwork or accent furniture. When you use multiple colors it’s best to choose one color and stick with it throughout the room so that you have a cohesive theme that brings your eye around the room from one focal point to the next.

Privacy in the bedroom

Privacy is important when using white walls in a bedroom. You can draw attention to the head of your bed by accenting it with a piece of artwork or a subtle color in the bedding. You can also choose a flooring material that provides you with privacy such as carpeting or rugs, but be sure to vacuum regularly to keep your room clean and tidy.


Creativity for floating shelves

Floating shelves hold CDs and other items in your living room that are displayed on top. As part of your trendy, space maximizing design, consider using creative textures on these shelves to create an artistic touch that draws attention through the eye-catching color or pattern you use for them.

Create a focal point in the kitchen

In the kitchen consider the placement of your range or stove. If you have space on one wall, place it there so that it draws attention and you can create a focal point in your design for the room. Create an island with storage to make a multi-purpose space that saves space and allows you to use multiple surfaces for food preparation and other activities.

Bottom line

As your home renovation project continues, remember the trending room design ideas for a trendy, space maximizing home include using white walls in each room with accents of color or a creative texture used on shelves.

Is Granite a Safe Material for My Home?

Is Granite a Safe Material for My Home?

From the natural stone material that builds some of the world’s most impressive structures and monuments, to a common kitchen countertop material, granite has become one of the most popular types of hard surface materials for building. However, there are a litany of potential risks associated with granite and it is important to understand what those risks are before choosing whether or not to install granite in your home.


In order for a substance like granite to be used as construction material, it is first cooled below 950 degrees Fahrenheit. This process makes it non-porous and highly resistant to corrosive substances such as water or acids found in cooking vapors or cleaning solutions. While this makes granite a very durable material, it also means that when it does become damaged, the damage is permanent and can often lead to the growth of mold and bacteria.


Many people, however, view granite’s tough surface as an added benefit to their home’s kitchen countertops. While most materials used for kitchen countertops are not suitable for use with sharp or pointed kitchen tools or acidic substances like lemons or oranges, granite is able to withstand everyday household tasks while still maintaining its attractive appearance.


Granite is a non-porous material which means that it will not have open spaces in its composition that would harbor bacteria or mold. If a person were to cut themselves on the granite, the surface could be cleaned with soap and water, but the cut would not become infected.


Yet many people like to use stone for a variety of decorative purposes. When considering whether or not to install marble for this purpose, it is important to keep in mind that both marble and granite contain calcium carbonate and can break if dropped or otherwise struck hard enough.


Some homeowners choose to cover their previously installed granite countertops by installing different kinds of stone or ceramic tiles as an aesthetic choice. There are a wide variety of materials that can be used as a covering for granite. 


Granite tiles are commonly made of basalt, while decorative stone sets are often made of quartz, slate, limestone and marble. Tiles come in a variety of textures, including marble, granite and porcelain. Marble is extremely durable and attractive for either tough or sensitive areas since it will not crack or scratch easily when struck by sharp objects or knife edges.


Granite is generally considered a safe material for use in kitchens and bathroom countertops because of its high resistance to baking fumes, acids, alcohols and alkalis found in detergents. Granite is a non-porous material and is resistant to scratching, staining and discoloration. It does not absorb liquids or chemicals and can tolerate high heat.


Granite countertops have been used for thousands of years because of their beauty and durability. A granite sealer will help protect the longevity of the countertop by adding another layer of protection against liquid, stains, scratches and impact from cleaning objects like knives or cats’ claws. Granite sealers are also highly recommended for marble because it prolongs the life of the material and helps to protect against any damage that could occur from repeated exposure to acidic, alkali, or abrasive substances.


Marble is made up of calcium carbonate, a soft mineral that can be scratched with a knife blade or broken with a simple fall. When homeowners are considering whether or not to install marble in their home’s decorative areas and bathrooms, it is important to consider how high traffic the area will be. High foot traffic in particular can cause marble to wear down faster than expected.


Because marble is a porous material, it does not hold bacteria and acids well. Marble should be cleaned with warm water and mild soap at least every week, or after each heavy meal. Marble should be sealed as needed to prevent stains and discoloration from occurring.


Granite countertops are incredibly durable, but many people choose to install granite tiles in their homes for aesthetic purposes. Granite tiles are inexpensive and can last for several years when cared for properly. Tiles made of quartz varieties will resist harsh cleaning chemicals while those made of basalt varieties will provide an attractive surface that is non-porous and highly resistant to staining or discoloration.

Bottom line

Granite is an excellent and safe material for use in construction. However, once it has been installed and damaged, the only option is to remove and replace it entirely. Since granite countertops and other surfaces are commonly used for decorative purposes, homeowners should consider whether or not to install marble before making concrete decisions about the material that will adorn their home’s interior.

How to Buy a Kitchen Countertop That Is Perfect For You

How to Buy a Kitchen Countertop That Is Perfect For You

I’ve been a kitchen designer for years, and I can’t tell you how many times people come to me who say “I want to buy a countertop but don’t know the best place to get one.” Well, if you’re looking for options and advice, this post is just what you need!


We’ll teach you how to find a top that is perfect for your needs (and budget), as well as what different materials are available. We’ll include lots of pictures and examples, so you can see exactly what we’re talking about.


So let’s get started!

What Type Of Countertop Do You Want?

After narrowing down your options to a few different materials (granite, marble, quartz and recycled glass), you have to decide what kind of look you want. Here’s a quick list of the more popular types of countertops. You’ll notice that there isn’t an option for laminate or formica tops. 


In my experience (and in my opinion), laminate tops are cheap looking and are prone to scratches and stains. Formica tops aren’t any better, either. If you’re looking for a cheap top and don’t care what it looks like, go with one of these materials. But if you want something that looks good and will last a long time, one of the options below is likely what you’re looking for.

Which Countertop Are You Looking For?

Granite: When it comes to granite, there are basically two types of options to choose from: natural stone (such as marble or travertine) and honed (smooth) granite. 


The natural stone options offer the same look and feel that you would get with a more expensive top (but at a lower cost). Honed granite tops are basically smooth with bevels around them for better grip. They are more affordable than the natural stone options, but not nearly as durable.


Marble: Marble comes in two varieties: veined (which is more expensive than non-veined) and solid marble. These kitchen countertops are very similar to granite because they’re both natural stones that have the same feel and look.


Quartz: Quartz is available in six different finishes (see above for a detailed description of each finish). Generally, the higher price you pay is based on how much detail is present in the quartz. For example, there are lots of holes and patterns throughout an expensive quartz countertop that aren’t visible on an inexpensive one. 


Recycled Glass: This material is quickly growing in popularity because of its sleek look and durable nature. Glass comes in a variety of colors, so it’s easy to find something that fits with your decor. One drawback to glass countertops is that they’re more expensive than most other options, so you don’t want to buy one unless you’re sure you’ll like it for years to come.


Bottom line

Granite, marble and quartz are all natural stones that offer a great blend of beauty and durability. Recycled glass is easy to clean, while being easy on the wallet.


But there are also many other options available. Composite stone (which is often called laminates because it’s plastic) is a great choice if you’re looking for an affordable option that has a more put-together look than laminate, but isn’t as expensive as granite or marble.


If you’re downsizing or just can’t afford to have a full slab of stone in your kitchen, consider going with a smaller size (such as with tile), or try using smaller pieces of tile on your countertop instead.

10 Things You Need to Know Before Buying a Mattress


Do you know what type of mattress is best for you? The answer might surprise you! Here are 10 things to consider before buying a mattress.


Choosing the right kind of mattress can be difficult. The first step in the process is to understand your personal needs before making a purchase. 


No one likes getting stuck with an uncomfortable bed or mattress after a long day of work. The following are 10 things you need to know before buying a new mattress.

1. What kind of sleeper are you?

You fall into one of three categories: side, back or stomach sleepers. The answer is important because some mattresses can be uncomfortable and cause a good deal of pain based on the position you sleep in. 


A bed that causes pain can disrupt your normal sleeping pattern and lead to other problems, such as depression , stress and insomnia.

2. The Price of the Mattress

While a mattress may be more expensive than an air mattress or cheap, inflatable bed, it is unlikely to be as expensive as buying a new home! Research the average price of mattresses in your region. 


Keep in mind that because mattresses can last 10 years or longer, they are a long-term investment and may not auto-renew due to a lack of purchases. Read reviews on the manufacturer’s YouTube channel and ask friends and family for feedback.

3. You Need a Firm Mattress — not an Extremely Soft One

A mattress that is less than 10 pounds per cubic foot will be too soft for most people. A firm mattress can dramatically improve your sleep quality, help reduce pain and may ease anxiety caused by poor sleep. 


A good way to find a firm mattress is to lie on one and try not to sink into it. The harder the surface, the better the overall comfort.


4. You May Need an Inflatable Mattress

If you know you need to purchase a mattress that packs flat, then you will want to consider an inflatable mattress. They are easy to carry while traveling and are available in many sizes, shapes and designs. 


This can be a great option for campers or anyone looking for a temporary bed that is low-maintenance.

5. Do You Need An Air Mattress?

Air mattresses have become popular because they come in many sizes and designs and provide comfort at budget-friendly prices. They are also very easy to inflate and deflate. 


A great benefit of air mattresses is that they can be used anywhere – on the floor, in a truck bed, etc. This can be especially beneficial for boating and camping enthusiasts or those with small children.

6. Or maybe it’s a Waterbed?

Waterbeds were popular in the 80s and 90s but have fallen out of favor due to their high price tag and maintenance issues. That being said, they are a great choice for those with back problems or physical issues in bed.

7. You Need to Keep it Quite

If you have someone living with you that is prone to “snoring,” a waterbed may be the perfect option for you. Waterbeds are made from materials that make it very rare to have any noise from the person sleeping on top of the mattress. 


Some waterbed models come with an anti-snore feature that can help reduce snoring noises.

8. You Need a Mattress With Adjustable Air Cells

Air mattresses with adjustable air cells can be a great option for people that are looking to adjust the firmness of the bed depending on their needs. 


For example, some air mattresses have memory foam that moulds to your body. This is a great choice for anyone with chronic pain or bad joints.

9. Bed Frame is Key to Proper Rest

Many people believe they do not need a bed frame when they purchase an air mattress or waterbed, but this is far from the truth. 


A bed frame can provide extra support and will protect your mattress from damage caused by heavy objects, children and pets.

The Last Thing

Even with these ten things to consider before buying a mattress , there is still no way to know for certain if the one you want will be comfortable for your needs. All you have to do is try!